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CORAL is an after-school program offered at Kennedy School. Our mission is to improve the literacy of every student by implementing best practices in after school support. The CORAL Program focuses on three areas of support: Literacy, Homework and Physical Activity. We also implement Art and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities.

Days and Times of Operation:

Monday through Friday from 2:20 PM-6:00 PM

Thursday: Early Release Day-1:05 PM-6:00 PM

Special Events:

Thanksgiving Feast: TBA

Winter Dance Off: TBA

Cheerleading Competition: TBA

Fun in the Sun – end of the year celebration: TBA

How to Apply:

To apply parents/guardians must fill out a CORAL application located in the front office. Once a student is accepted, we notify parents by phone. A list of accepted students is also posted in front of the school office.

Questions or Comments:

Lucia Sanchez

Site Manager

(408) 283-6325